
"A Site for All Periods: The Diachronicity of Mochlos, East Crete"

Natalia Vogeikoff-Brogan, Doreen Canaday Spitzer Archivist – ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø

“Notion Archaeological Research Project: The Biography of an Ancient Greek City in Ioniaâ€

“Notion Archaeological Research Project: The Biography of an Ancient Greek City in Ioniaâ€

Christopher Ratté, Michigan

“Himera: Excavations in the Western Necropolis. The Common Graves of the Soldiers Fallen in the Battles of 480 and 409 BCâ€

“Himera: Excavations in the Western Necropolis. The Common Graves of the Soldiers Fallen in the Battles of 480 and 409 BCâ€

Stefano Vassallo, Soprintendenza di Palermo

"Diachronic Survey on the Borders of Attica: The Mazi Archaeological Project"

Sylvian Fachard, , Alex Knodell, Kalliope Papangeli

"Excavations on the Ismenion Hill in Thebes, 2011-2016"

Stephanie Larson, , Bucknell University - Kevin Daly, ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø

"The Myth and Cult of Opheltes at Nemea"

Jorge Bravo, University of Maryland

"Plagues and Pestilence in Thebes"

Maria Liston, Department of Anthropology, University of Waterloo, Canada

"The Sanctuary of Hera on Samos from its Minoan origins to the time of Polycrates - new evidence"

Prof. Wolf-Dietrich Niemeier, Director Emeritus, German Archaeological Institute at Athens

"Phaleron Delta: the Archaic Necropolis at the Southern Edge of the City"

Dr. Stella Chrysoulaki, Ephor, Ephorate of Antiquities of Piraeus

"New Underwater Research at Antikythera"

Dr. Brendan Foley, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute

"Sikyon in Context"

Prof. Yannis Lolos, , University of Thessaly

"Telling the Whole Story at Multi-Period Sites"

Dr. Gaetano Palumbo Program Director North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia World Monuments Fund

"A New Reconstruction of the Archaic Parthenon"

Elisavet P. Sioumpara, Greek Ministry of Culture

“Reconsidering the Largest EBA Cycladic Cemetery:The Recent Excavations at Chalandrianiâ€

“Reconsidering the Largest EBA Cycladic Cemetery:The Recent Excavations at Chalandrianiâ€

Marisa Marthari, Ephor emerita, 21st Ephoreia

“ Landscape Ecology and the End of Antiquity: The Archaeology of Deforestation in South Coastal Turkeyâ€

“ Landscape Ecology and the End of Antiquity: The Archaeology of Deforestation in South Coastal Turkeyâ€

Nicholas Rauh, NEH Fellow, ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø; Professor of Classics, Purdue University

"Archaeology, the longue durée, and regional histories: 5,000 years of settlement in the Nemea Valley"

James C. Wright, American School of Classical Studies

"New Excavations at Stobi 2009–2010"

Silvana Blazevska, National Institution Stobi

“Poseidon’s Net: Sanctuaries and Sea Routesâ€

“Poseidon’s Net: Sanctuaries and Sea Routesâ€

Margaret M. Miles, Andrew W. Mellon Professor, ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø

“Bouphonia: Killing Cattle on the Acropolisâ€

“Bouphonia: Killing Cattle on the Acropolisâ€

Jeremy McInerney, Whitehead Professor, ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø

“Sanctuary of Secretsâ€

“Sanctuary of Secretsâ€

Bjorn Forsen, University of Helsinki