On Thursday, May 12th, almost 270 people gathered at the Metropolitan Club in New York City to celebrate the 135th Anniversary of the ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø and the 90th Anniversary of the Gennadius Library. This benefit, hosted by the Board of Trustees of the American School and the Board of Overseers of the Gennadius Library, raised funds for the operation and programming of the School and Library.  

Attendees gather for cocktails at the Metropolitan Club

During the evening the School presented the inaugural Gennadius and Athens Prizes. Dr. John Camp accepted the Athens Prize for outstanding contributions to the advancement of knowledge of ancient Greece. Professor Camp  has been associated with the School's Agora Excavations for 50 years and has directed those excavations for the past 22 years. Acting Trustee President William Loomis remarked, "John is the great link between the past and the future of American archaeology in Greece, the person who more than anyone else has been able to transmit the wisdom and experience of the great pioneers of the past to the next generation."


Prof. John Camp (center) accepts his Athens prize of a silver Athenian owl
with Acting School Trustee President William Loomis,
 COO of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Vasili Tsamis,
School Trustee Chairman Malcolm Wiener, and Managing Committee Chair Jenifer Neils


Anastasis Leventis accepted, on behalf of the A.G. Leventis Foundation, the Gennadius Prize for outstanding contributions to the advancement of knowledge of post-antique Greece. Based on the vision of the Cypriot entrepreneur Anastasios G. Leventis, the Foundation focuses on society, education and culture.They promote the dissemination of Greek and Cypriot cultural heritage, as well as offer extensive public benefits programs, pioneering  environmental protection projects, and medical research. In her introduction, Library Director Maria Georgopoulou noted that the A.G. Leventis Foundation has been an active supporter of the activities of the Gennadius Library for the last twenty years, and in particular funds the Library's Medieval Greek Summer Session. 


Anastasis Leventis accepts the Gennadius Prize (a design in silver based on an iconic book in the Library's collection)
from Gennadius Overseer Leo Milonas, with Typhaine (Zagoreos) de Bure and Library Director Maria Georgopolou


A congratulatory letter to the American School from Vice President Joseph Biden, Jr. was printed in the evening program and every guest who attended received both a tote bag and a commemorative tea towel depicting either the Athenian Agora Excavations or the Gennadius Library.

A highlight of the evening was the unveiling of two new videos for the American School. The first explored the origins and history of the School and the second highlighted John Camp’s life at the Athenian Agora. Both set the tone for the celebration.  The John Camp video can be viewed below while the general video will be released at a later date.



Those who did not attend the evening but wish to make a contribution may make a gift below.