The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore: Miscellaneous Finds of Terracotta

by Sonia Klinger

Corinth XVIII.8
248 pp, 5 plans, 32 b/w pls, 1 table
9" x 12"
Cloth, ISBN: 978-0-87661-188-3
Publication Date: Dec 2021
Status: Active

Retail Price $150

This volume presents the terracotta miscellaneous finds from the Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore at Acrocorinth. The finds comprise 21 classes, including protomes and masks, altars, plaques, models of various personal and household items, and loomweights and other textile tools (the latter initially studied by Gloria S. Merker and brought to publication by Nancy Bookidis). In addition to providing a catalogue of the finds arranged according to their subjects, the authors compare these finds with similar objects found elsewhere in Greece and refer to literary, epigraphical, and visual sources to understand their possible uses and meanings and the character of religious activity that may have triggered their dedication in the sanctuary. This volume will greatly facilitate comparative studies of ancient Greek miscellaneous finds and will be an important reference for historians of Greek art as well as of Greek religion.

About the Author: Sonia Klinger is Senior Lecturer Emerita in Art History at the University of Haifa

"[T]his volume is of great importance to anyone studying miscellaneous terracotta finds in sanctuaries, the cult and sanctuaries of Demeter and Kore, and the dedications offered to them. As the first comprehensive publication of several important finds categories that have often been overlooked, it will undoubtedly become a reference point in the future for studies in the field." Stelios Ieremias, BMCR 2022.11.30