Hesperia Supplements

The Hesperia Supplement series presents book-length studies in the fields of Greek archaeology, art, language, and history. The series was started in 1937 and was originally designed to accommodate extended essays too long for inclusion in the journal Hesperia. Since that date the Supplements have established a strong identity of their own, and are now recognized as one of the most prestigious publication venues in Greek studies. They range in format from single author monographs, through excavation reports, to major edited collections on topics of interest to researchers in classics, archaeology, art history, and Hellenic studies. Hesperia Supplements appear irregularly, but there are usually one to two published each year.

1: Prytaneis: A Study of the Inscriptions Honoring the Athenian Councillors, by Sterling Dow (1937)

2: Late Geometric Graves and a Seventh Century Well in the Agora, by Rodney S. Young, with an Appendix on the Skeletal Remains: Geometric Athenians (1939)

3: The Setting of the Periclean Parthenon, by Gorham Phillips Stevens (1940)

4: The Tholos of Athens and Its Predecessors, by Homer A. Thompson (1940)

5: Observations on the Hephaisteion, by William B. Dinsmoor (1941)

6: The Sacred Gerusia, by James H. Oliver (1941)

7: Small Objects from the Pnyx I, by Gladys R. Davidson and Dorothy Burr Thompson (1943)

8: Commemorative Studies in Honor of Theodore Leslie Shear, by various authors (1949)

9: Horoi: Studies in Mortgage, Real Security, and Land Tenure in Ancient Athens, by John V. A. Fine (1951)

10: Small Objects from the Pnyx II, by Lucy Talcott, Barbara Philippaki, G. Roger Edwards, and Virginia R. Grace (1956)

11: Fortified Military Camps in Attica, by James R. McCredie (1966)

12: The Athenian Constitution after Sulla, by Daniel J. Geagan (1967)

13: Marcus Aurelius: Aspects of Civic and Cultural Policy in the East, by James H. Oliver (1970)

14: The Political Organization of Attica: A Study of the Demes, Trittyes, and Phylai, and Their Representation in the Athenian Council, by John S. Traill (1975)

15: The Lettering of an Athenian Mason, by Steven V. Tracy (1975)

16: A Sanctuary of Zeus on Mount Hymettos, by Merle K. Langdon (1976)

17: Kallias of Sphettos and the Revolt of Athens in 286 B.C., by T. Leslie Shear Jr. (1978)

18: Lasithi: A History of Settlement on a Highland Plain in Crete, by L. Vance Watrous (1982)

19: Studies in Attic Epigraphy, History, and Topography Presented to Eugene Vanderpool, by various authors (1982)

20: Studies in Athenian Architecture, Sculpture, and Topography Presented to Homer A. Thompson, by various authors (1982)

21: Excavations at Pylos in Elis, by John E. Coleman (1986)

22: Attic Grave Reliefs That Represent Women in the Dress of Isis, by Elizabeth J. Walters (1988)

23: Hellenistic Relief Molds from the Athenian Agora, by Clairève Grandjouan (1989)

24: The Prepalatial Cemeteries at Mochlos and Gournia and the House Tombs of Bronze Age Crete, by Jeffrey S. Soles (1992)

25: Debris from a Public Dining Place in the Athenian Agora, by Susan I. Rotroff and John H. Oakley (1992)

26: The Sanctuary of Athena Nike in Athens: Architectural Stages and Chronology, by Ira S. Mark (1993)

27: Proceedings of the International Conference on Greek Architectural Terracottas of the Classical and Hellenistic Periods, December 12-15, 1991, edited by Nancy A. Winter (1994)

28: Studies in Archaic Corinthian Vase Painting, by D. A. Amyx and Patricia Lawrence (1996)

29: The Athenian Grain-Tax Law of 374/3 B.C., by Ronald S. Stroud (1998)

30: A LM IA Ceramic Kiln in South-Central Crete: Function and Pottery Production, by Joseph W. Shaw, Aleydis Van de Moortel, Peter M. Day, and Vassilis Kilikoglou (2001)

31: Ceramicus Redivivus: The Early Iron Age Potters' Field in the Area of the Classical Athenian Agora, by John K. Papadopoulos (2003)

32: Landscape Archaeology in Southern Epirus, Greece 1, by James Wiseman and Konstantinos Zachos (2003)

33: CHARIS: Essays in Honor of Sara A. Immerwahr, edited by Anne P. Chapin (2004)

34: A Historical and Economic Geography of Ottoman Greece: The Southwestern Morea in the 18th Century, by Fariba Zarinebaf, John Bennet, and Jack L. Davis (2005)

35: The Greek Tile Works at Corinth: The Site and the Finds, by Gloria S. Merker (2006)

36: The Chrysokamino Metallurgy Workshop and Its Territory, by Philip P. Betancourt (2006)

37: Theoroi and Initiates in Samothrace: The Epigraphical Evidence, by Nora M. Dimitrova (2008)

38: Fragmentary Decrees from the Athenian Agora, by Michael B. Walbank (2008)

39: Land of Sikyon: Archaeology and History of a Greek City-State, by Yannis A. Lolos (2011)

40: Between Venice and Istanbul: Colonial Landscapes in Early Modern Greece, edited by Siriol Davies and Jack L. Davis (2007)

41: Constructions of Childhood in Ancient Greece and Italy, edited by Ada Cohen and Jeremy B. Rutter (2007)

42: Archaeologies of Cult: Essays on Ritual and Cult in Crete in Honor of Geraldine C. Gesell, edited by Anna Lucia D'Agata and Aleydis Van de Moortel (2009)

43: New Directions in the Skeletal Biology of Greece, edited by Lynne A. Schepartz, Sherry C. Fox, and Chryssi Bourbou (2009)

44: STEGA: The Archaeology of Houses and Households in Ancient Crete, edited by Kevin T. Glowacki and Natalia Vogeikoff-Brogan (2011)

45: Crete in Transition: Pottery Styles and Island History in the Archaic and Classical Periods, by Brice L. Erickson (2010)

46: The Symposium in Context: Pottery from a Late Archaic House near the Athenian Agora, by Kathleen M. Lynch (2011)

47: Industrial Religion: The Saucer Pyres of the Athenian Agora, by Susan I. Rotroff (2013)

48: Bridge of the Untiring Sea: The Corinthian Isthmus from Prehistory to Late Antiquity, edited by Elizabeth R. Gebhard and Timothy E. Gregory (2015)

49: Archaeodiet in the Greek World: Dietary Reconstruction from Stable Isotope Analysis, edited by Anastasia Papathanasiou, Michael P. Richards, and Sherry C. Fox (2015)

50: The Agora Bone Well, by Maria A. Liston, Susan I. Rotroff, and Lynn M. Snyder (2018)

51: Potters at Work in Ancient Corinth: Industry, Religion, and the Penteskouphia Pinakes, by Eleni Hasaki (2021)

52: On the Edge of a Roman Port: Excavations at Koutsongila, Kenchreai, 2007-2014, edited by Elena Korka and Joseph L. Rife (2022)

53: The Tiled-Roof Phenomenon in Early Helladic Greece: Evidence from Zygouries, by Kyle A. Jazwa (2024)

54: The Molyvoti, Thrace, Archaeological Project 1: Landscape, Architecture, and Material Culture, edited by Nathan T. Arrington, Marina Tasaklaki, Domna Terzopoulou, and Thomas F. Tartaron (2025)