
  Title: Abstracta Iranica
  Link: .
  Previous titles: .
  Years: 26 (2003) -.

  Title: Aevum
  Link: .
  Previous titles: .
  Years: 1-80 (1927-2006).

  Title: Almagest
  Link: .
  Previous titles: .
  Years: 1 (2010)-.

  Title: American Anthropologist
  Link: .
  Previous titles: Continues Transactions of the Anthropological Society of Washington.
  Years: Vols. 1 - 11, 1888-1898; New Series: Vols. 1 - (1899)-.

  Title: American Anthropologist (1997 to present)
  Link: .
  Previous titles: .
  Years: 1997-.

  Title: American Antiquity
  Link: .
  Previous titles: .
  Years: 1-, 1935-.

  Title: American Ethnologist
  Link: .
  Previous titles: .
  Years: 1-21, 1974-1994.

  Title: Anaskamma
  Link: .
  Previous titles: .
  Years: 1 (2008)-.

  Title: Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia
  Link: .
  Previous titles: .
  Years: 1 (1995) -.

  Title: Annual Review of Anthropology
  Link: .
  Previous titles: Continues: Biennial Review of Anthropology.
  Years: 1-, 1972-.

  Title: Anthropozoologica
  Previous titles: .
  Years: 1 (1984)-.

  Title: Antiquity
  Link: .
  Previous titles: .
  Years: 1 (1927) -.

  Title: Archaeological discoveries and excavations
  Previous titles: .
  Years: .


  Title: Archaeological and anthropological sciences
  Link: .
  Previous titles: .
  Years: .

  Title: Arion
  Link: .
  Previous titles: .
  Years: 1 (1962)-.

  Title: Bibliotheca Orientalis: Uitgegeven vanwege het Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten
  Link: .
  Previous titles: .
  Years: 54 (1997) -.

  Title: Biennial Review of Anthropology
  Link: .
  Previous titles: Continued by: Annual Review of Anthropology.
  Years: 1-7, 1959-1971.

  Title: Bioarchaeology of the Near East
  Link: .
  Previous titles: .
  Years: 1 (2007) -.

  Title: Cultural Anthropology
  Link: .
  Previous titles: .
  Years: 1-9, 1986-1994.

  Title: Current Anthropology
  Link: .
  Previous titles: Continues: Yearbook of Anthropology.
  Years: 1-40, 1959-1999.

  Title: Current Anthropology
  Link: .
  Previous titles: .
  Years: 40 (1999) -.

  Title: Dental anthropology
  Link: .
  Previous titles: Dental anthropology newsletter (v. 1-11, 1986-1996).
  Years: 1, 1986-.

  Title: Documenta Praehistorica (Neolithic Studies)
  Link: .
  Previous titles: .
  Years: 28 (2001) - 34 (2007).

  Title: Early Science and Medicine
  Link: .
  Previous titles: .
  Years: 9 (2004) -.

 Title: Early Science and Medicine
  Previous titles: .
  Years: 1-23 (1996-2018)

 Title: Environmental archaeology: the journal of human palaeoecology
  Link: .
  Previous titles: .
  Years: 1 (1996)-.

  Title: Ethnohistory
  Link: .
  Previous titles: .
  Years: 1-46, 1954-1999.

  Title: Ethos
  Link: .
  Previous titles: .
  Years: 1-22, 1973-1994.

  Title: Expedition: The Magazine of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
  Previous titles: .
  Years: 1 (1958/9) -.

  Title: Folklore
  Link: .
  Previous titles: .
  Years: 1 (1890) - 112 (2001).

  Title: Geochronometria: Journal on Methods and Applications of Absolute Chronology
  Previous titles: .
  Years: 18 (2000) -.

  Title: GSA Bulletin
  Link: .
  Previous titles: .
  Years: 1945-.

  Title: ICAZ Newsletter
  Link: .
  Previous titles: .
  Years: 2000-.

  Title: International journal of anthropology
  Previous titles: .
  Years: .

  Title: International journal of osteoarchaeology
  Link: .
  Previous titles: .
  Years: .

  Title: International journal of paleopathology
  Link: .
  Previous titles: .
  Years: .

  Title: Journal of anthropological archaeology
  Link: .
  Previous titles: .
  Years: .

  Title: Journal of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Archaeology: Eprints Repository
  Link: .
  Previous titles: .
  Years: 2002-.

  Title: Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient
  Link: .
  Previous titles: .
  Years: 1 (1957) -.

  Title: Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
  Link: .
  Previous titles: Continues Man.
  Years: 1-2, 1995-1996.

  Title: Kentro Newsletter
  Previous titles: INSTAP-SCEC NEWSLETTER.
  Years: .

  Title: Man
  Link: .
  Previous titles: Continued by Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute.
  Years: 1-65, 1901-1965.

  Title: Medical Anthropology Newsletter
  Link: .
  Previous titles: Continued by Medical Anthropology Quarterly.
  Years: 4-14, 1972-1982.

  Title: Medical Anthropology Quarterly
  Link: .
  Previous titles: Continues Medical Anthropology Newsletter.
  Years: 14-17, 1983-1986.

  Title: Newsletter of the Association for Environmental Archaeology
  Link: envarch.net/aea-newsletter
  Previous titles: .
  Years: 65 (1999)-.

  Title: Oral Tradition: eOT
  Link: .
  Previous titles: .
  Years: .

  Title: Paléorient, revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire
  Link: .
  Previous titles: .
  Years: 19 (1993) -.

  Title: Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica
  Link: .
  Previous titles: .
  Years: 1 (1966) -.

  Title: RAIN
  Link: .
  Previous titles: Continued by: Anthropology Today.
  Years: 1-65, 1974-1984.

  Title: SAA Archaeological Record
  Link: .
  Previous titles: .
  Years: 1 (2001) -.

  Title: Science
  Link: .
  Previous titles: .
  Years: v. 1-314 (1880-2006).

  Title: Society for Archaeological Sciences Bulletin
  Link: .
  Previous titles: .
  Years: 19 (1996) -.

  Title: Transactions of the Anthropological Society of Washington
  Link: .
  Previous titles: Continued by American Anthropologist.
  Years: 1-3, 1879-1885.